Outdoor Recreation Roundtable President Calls the Country to Act

A picture of cyclists biking through a trail.

People across the nation journey into luscious green fields, roaring river valleys and winding hiking trails to engage in outdoor recreation. The sector, which generated $1.1 trillion in gross output and 5 million jobs in 2022, is calling for more attention.

Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) President Jessica Wahl Turner emphasized the sector’s funding needs in a recent op-ed letter.

Wahl Turner penned her call to action after the association revealed the “Recreation Funding in America: Current Results and Future Insights” report detailing outdoor recreation economy opportunities and challenges.

The report unveiled that although the sector contributes 2.2% to U.S. gross domestic product, the industry receives 0.16% of federal funding. Over the last 20 years, the federal budget grew by 76% while the outdoor recreation budget increased by 22%.

Wahl Turner said outdoor recreation funding comes from outside general revenue such as fossil fuel taxes, recreation fees and excise taxes.

“This reliance on diverse revenue streams makes the sector vulnerable to trends like inflation, energy transitions and climate change,” she said. “Policymakers, industry leaders and the public must act on these findings to ensure the sustainability of this vital sector.”

The report estimated outdoor recreation’s economy’s spending gap, the difference between needed funding and available funding, to reach $34 billion by 2042 if issues are not addressed.

Wahl Turner said if unaddressed, the gap “could significantly affect an industry core to the American experience, economy and quality of life.”

ORR is chasing after change by advocating for more federal investment and developing long-term solutions with elected and private-sector leaders.

“Adequate investment and smart policy are crucial for the outdoor recreation industry to operate and sustain itself and all who rely on it,” Wahl Turner said, “because when our industry is healthy, so are people, communities, economies and the planet.”

According to Wahl Turner, the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act’s passage through the Senate will be integral to updating recreation planning and policy. The bipartisan legislation already has passed the House.

Wahl Turner is calling the country to advocate for the outdoor recreation’s economy and jobs.

“This report marks the beginning of an essential conversation about the future of America’s outdoor legacy and economy,” she said. “Let’s work together now to ensure that the beauty and benefits of outdoor recreation are available to all for generations.”



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