Future Sales Inc., an RV supplier based in Elkhart, Indiana, participated recently in an event with the Adult and Teen Challenge of Northern Indiana to plant trees and bring more life to their campus orchard.
Future Sales donated 10 trees, the company said, with apple, peach, pear and cherry trees among them.
With help from staff from Cory’s Curb Appeal in Mishawaka, Future Sales was able to plant the trees under the right weather conditions for them to be able to grow with the most success. He even helped Adult and Teen Challenge pick out the right species for the area!
Adult and Teen Challenge of Northern Indiana’s intention is to keep growing the orchard so students can learn to care for the trees like they do with the animals and greenhouse on campus.
Adult and Teen Challenge works with men effected by drugs and alcohol with life controlling addictions to touch on each of the five strongest biblical principles. For more on the group, visit atcni.com.