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Dealer Council Accepts ADCO Membership

A picture of Linda Robertson of Adco

The Association of Dealership Compliance Officers (ADCO) recently was approved to join the National Association of Dealer Council (NDAC).

The NADC is a professional organization with over 600 attorney members. It was formed by lawyers who work in dealership environments, the association said and provides a place for members to discuss how to represent dealer interests in areas such as franchise issues and regulatory compliance.

“We are honored ADCO was accepted into the NADC membership,” said Linda J. Robertson, executive director of ADCO. “It is a natural fit, not only because of shared goals but also because we rely heavily on dealer counsel input in our compliance webinars and Dealership Compliance Officer Professional certification training.”

ADCO’s curriculum has benefitted from NADC attorneys’ expertise, Robertson said.

Access more information about ADCO.

Click here to learn more about NADC.

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