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Elkhart County Health Department Update on COVID-19

A picture of the Chinese flag in the shape of China with the word "coronavirus" across the southeast corner of the image

According to Elkhart County Health Department officials, two cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in the Indianapolis area. Both people attended the same out-of-town conference and were apparently infected there. This will likely raise questions and concerns about other conferences or large gatherings to be held in Elkhart County. The Health Department is not recommending the cancellation of any events at this time. The overall risk of infection remains low. However, some precautions are advised.

Lydia Mertz, M.D. Elkhart County Health Officer, suggests that for large events, organizers should require each sponsor to advertise to their audience the “approved method of greeting” for that group. It might be an elbow bump or other alternate greeting. Mertz also recommends sponsors have extra hand-wash stations and advertise their location to their group. Ideally the hand-wash stations will be conveniently located and numerous. If appropriate to the venue, perhaps the sponsor could periodically remind their audience to take a hand-wash break to stay healthy. If people are physically spread out a little more, that would be advantageous as well, such as chairs being spaced a little farther apart. The Health Department also recommends visible signage with hygiene tips such as coughing into an elbow or tissue, washing hands with soap and water often, staying home if you are sick, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces at home and work.

Mertz does not think of these additions will interfere with conferences or gatherings, and they are essential to preventing the spread of the coronavirus. She is available to speak with individuals are businesses with concerns. To contact Mertz, call (574) 523-2105.

To visit the Elkhart County Health Department website, click here. For the latest coronavirus information from the CDC, click here.


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