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Sealtech Manufacturing USA

Corporate Phone: (810) 310-3070

Sealtech Manufacturing USA Founder Scott DeLadurantaye was a licensed builder doing home improvement in Michigan “until the economy went to crap” in 2008. As a life-long RV enthusiast, he decided to hit the road doing mobile leak tests for other RV owners experiencing similar issues.

“I knew all along that leaking RVs are an issue,” DeLadurantaye said. He bought one in 2005 that a dealership said had anti-leaking features. But he said he noticed leaks after taking one trip. “Sealants fail. RVs are giant boxes going down the road. You’ll lose value in your RV if you’re not regularly checking for leaks.”

In 2013, DeLadurantay bought Sealtech Manufacturing USA from Norman Seabrook, who invented the machines in 2002. The company’s headquarters moved from Canada to Michigan. Though DeLadurantaye no longer does leak testing himself, Sealtech manufactures equipment for dealerships and service centers to use, instead.

Dealers use Sealtech 430 by applying a soapy solution over possible leaks and waiting to see if bubble appear over a fault. The system draws outside air through the roof vent. The air pressure difference in the RV causes the soapy solution to bubble, if there is a leak at the application site. Sealtech produces high air flow at safe pressures so the industry can identify leaks before they damage an RV.

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