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End of Year Letter From Craig Kirby at RVIA

Craig Kirby

Dear RV Industry Association Members,

As 2019 comes to a close, I want to thank you for your support of the RV Industry Association and your confidence in allowing me to lead your organization. More members than ever are connecting with the Association and understanding the impact our core programs have on their business. Your dedication allows us to serve collectively on your behalf, promoting and protecting the RV industry for future generations.


Over the course of 2019 there have been many reports of caution in the US economy, often pointing to RV shipments as a cause for concern. The fact is, our industry continues to perform at an extraordinarily high level and 2019 is projected to end as our fourth best year ever on record, beating both the 30-year and 10-year averages for shipments. We are all blessed to be part of a $114 billion dollar industry and there is so much to be excited about looking ahead.RVIA Logo

For now, this is a time for celebration of the work you all do to provide millions of Americans the opportunity to share in the outdoors and create lifelong memories with friends and family. I want to take some time to reflect on our Association’s many accomplishments from this past year and the progress we continue to make together. The list that follows is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather highlight a few of the many great things from our signature programs that have helped propel the industry forward:

Go RVing

  • Featured sponsor of Toy Story 4, a film centered on family RV travel, which grossed over $1 billion worldwide.
  • Delivered 1.1B digital media impressions and a 24% increase year over year
  • Launched the Kickoff to Camping season featuring significant recognition in major media outlets, including MotorTrend TV, Sports Illustrated, Outside Magazine and the Ellen Show.

Government Affairs

  • Successfully lobbied the US Trade Representative for approval of our petition to grant duty-free treatment of lauan by adding it back into the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) trade program, saving the RV industry $1 million per month.
  • Released updated study showing $114 billion of economic impact of the RV industry
  • Currently holding leadership positions at the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR), allowing the Association to drive policy initiatives focused on campground modernization, including the largest National Park Service (NPS) campground modernization and rehabilitation project in decades.

RV Technical Institute

  • Completed a new RV Service Technician Career Path Curriculum for the first time since 2014
  • Created the first Authorized Licensed Partners to assist in the delivery of the new curriculum
  • Purchased, renovated, and launched a brand-new RV Technical Institute training facility in Elkhart


    • Published the 2019 edition of the ANSI/RVIA EXTLAD-1 Recommended Practice Laboratory Test Procedures for Exterior Ladders, ANSI/UPA-1 Uniform Plan Approval for Recreational Vehicles Standard and Low Voltage Connector Recommended Best Practice
    • Hosted Workplace Safety Seminars for plant personnel and management
    • Published training videos on Plumbing Drainage, Electrical Ground Continuity, Electrical Box Sizing and Bonding of the Propane System

As we turn the calendar page to a new year, I’ll be working with the Executive Committee and the Board on strategic planning and doing my utmost to ensure that our goals are advanced across all of the RV Industry Association’s programs.

Let me say thank you for your continued dedication, loyalty and support. It is a great honor for me to be leading the RV Industry Association and I look forward to a very successful 2020. Wishing you all a great holiday season and successful New Year!

Craig A. Kirby
President, RV Industry Association

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