Discovery Channel’s upcoming series “RVing in the USA” will receive a promotion and video content boost with an alliance between show producers and Escapees RV Club, an industry community.
Show Executive Producer Howard Lipkint said the alliance will offer viewers a “unique opportunity” to explore the RV community through Escapees’ vast reach and experience.
“The amount of original content we will be able to produce, along with Escapees long history in the RV community, will certainly enhance our production, whereas experienced RVers, newbies and people looking to enter this growing lifestyle will prove beneficial,” Lipkint said.
The series’ production is slated to begin April 16-18 at the RVers Boot Camp hosted by Escapees RV Club in Dillard, Georgia.
“In the coming days we will be announcing further production schedules and locations where our production crew will be heading,” Lipkint said. “With all of the travel restrictions, the need for complying with safety regulations and all of the other unfortunate elements associated with the pandemic, scheduling and logistics have been quite the challenge. But, as the nation is hopefully loosening up, our crew of professionals are ready to make the journey.”