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EXCLUSIVE: Brown & Brown F&I School Packs in Attendees

A picture of Brown & Brown F&I School participants.
Brown & Brown F&I School participants.

A Las Vegas weekend fostered F&I learning and networking at the Horseshoe Hotel and Casino. More than 200 F&I professionals attended Brown & Brown’s annual F&I School, which began Saturday and concludes this afternoon.

Attendees heard from and built relationships with various lenders.

Brown & Brown Dealer Services’ President of RV F&I Shawn Moran said, “The school is about education, but the relationships made are just as impactful. They last for years.”

The Horseshoe conference room featured more attendees, compared with past years. According to Moran, the increase demonstrated a hunger for F&I education, with many new faces in attendance.

A picture of Brown & Brown Dealer Services President RV F&I Shawn Moran instructs at the 2024 Brown & Brown F&I School.
Brown & Brown Dealer Services President RV F&I Shawn Moran instructs at the 2024 Brown & Brown F&I School.

He said, “That (shows) what’s going on in the economy and how important finance now is to dealers.”

According to Moran, dealers learned about enhancing their finance penetration and getting more deals approved. Topics included inventory documentation tips and subprime lender collaboration.

Compliance training also filled the weekend. Brown & Brown Dealer Services National Director of Compliance Thomas J. O’Neil’s sessions covered the Federal Trade Commission’s Combatting Auto Retail Scams (CARS) rule and cybersecurity prevention steps.

As the school comes to a close, Moran and the Brown & Brown team set to work on the 2025 event. Attendees’ survey feedback fuels future school curriculum.

Moran said, “The industry’s fluid, so we try to stay with that and make sure we update to it.”

A picture of Brown & Brown Dealer Services President RV F&I Shawn Moran (L) with the Brown & Brown cheetah and Brown & Brown Production Analyst Janet Scavo (R) at the 2024 Brown & Brown F&I School.
Moran (L) with the Brown & Brown cheetah and Brown & Brown Production Analyst Janet Scavo (R) at the 2024 Brown & Brown F&I School.

Brown & Brown also will gather input from its monthly compliance training webinars, which O’Neil will lead. The most popular webinar topic earns a spotlight at next year’s school. The company analyzes dealers’ F&I performance to assess other topics for the next event.

Once the training ends, Brown & Brown will begin working to make next year’s event a success.

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