Kuma Outdoor Gear is adding another campsite furnishing to its line. The supplier’s Fireside Stump Stool is a new multipurpose product launching this spring.
The product is similar to Kuma’s Cub Bear Table. The Fireside Stump is smaller and provides more options.
The stool can be used by children or adults. The product serves as a stool where children and adults can sit. The product has an aluminum-coated frame and holds up to 225 pounds. The Fireside Stump’s step serves as a step stool around the campsite. The stool can provide table space next to chairs and can be used as a footrest.
The product weighs 2.2 pounds. The stool is 15 inches tall and 12 inches wide and folds up for easy storage.
According to Kuma Outdoor Gear Marketing and Social Media Manager Deanne Ferguson, the stool serves a broad demographic range, as many can utilize it.
“It is something that hits all the different markets and is a great gift at this price point,” she said. “It is something that would be perfect for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.”
For more information, click here.