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EXCLUSIVE: Renogy Releases Complete Off-Grid Power Solutions

A picture of an aerial view of RVers camping in a motorhome.

Renogy constructed dealer off-grid power solutions like a contractor constructs a house. Just as a house has all the necessary components—a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen—Renogy’s solution encompasses all necessary RVer off-grid power components.

Renogy has crafted RV market solar solutions since 2010.

Renogy Head of Global Marketing Angela Zhang said, “We want to provide the customer and user the total solution, not just components.”

The power suppliers’ new solution provides a complete solution for an evident market issue.

According to Renogy Business to Business Marketing Manager Estefania Arias, the company’s market research found that power system complexities presented sales challenges. Dealers compiled various supplier’s off-grid power products as opposed to having all components in a single bundle.

Renogy began working on a solution in December and will officially launch the packages the first week of April. The products are complete packages comprised of Renogy power solutions.

The solutions include Renogy charging methods, energy storage, power supply, system monitoring and full system protections.

Renogy Product Application Engineer Justin Johnson said, “They are meant to offer complete energy independence for all types of RV enthusiasts.”

Just as each house is crafted for specific needs, Renogy’s solutions are crafted for specific RVer needs.

The first RVer category is the explorers. This demographic camps around 30 days a year. They take long weekend trips and are more outdoorsy. They usually do not require RV amenities such as a TV.

The second group are adventurers. This demographic goes RVing around 60-90 days a year. They are RVing for long periods compared with the explorers.A picture of Renogy's off-grid power products included in its new solutions.

The third and final group are the visionaries. This category camps between 180-365 days per year. They are often full-time RVers.

Renogy crafted five solution packages to meet these audience needs and the needs of those who fall in between categories.

“Whether you are a weekend casual camper or full RV dweller,” Johnson said, “you can rely on us to have a full comprehensive solution for your off-grid needs.”

The solutions include unique features to enhance the RVer experience.

Johnson said the company’s goals included making products easier and more intuitive for RVers.

“These products, they are much more easy to use,” Johnson said. “They are also much more compact, lightweight, they are very well designed.”

According to Johnson, the solutions will feature new Renogy products, which will be released later in 2024.

Bifacial solar panels are included in the systems. The double-sided panels accumulate around 30% more power compared with a one-sided panel. A built-in direct current-to-direct current connection allows communication between the house auxiliary battery and the RV starter battery. This communication enables the RV engine to charge the house battery, eliminating a generator need.

All solution packages include a smart monitor to observe RV performance.

To contact Renogy about stocking solutions, contact Renogy at or 909-342-1297.



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