IA-SAL Dealer Services is offering real-world training program incorporating classroom and in-dealership training with half-day, full-day, two-day, three-day and five-day programs. The company’s training team brings together more than 30 certified coaches who work closely with dealership F&I staff to help them increase profitability and employee satisfaction.
IA-SAL says most important is that its dealer partners experience significant increases in their F&I penetration rates after taking training classes with IA-SAL’s. The company offers classes specific to RV dealers as well as automotive dealers.
Space for these workshops is limited, so business managers are encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure space is available. Business managers are advised to register as soon as possible to guarantee room in the class.
On Tuesday, Jan. 7, IA-SAL will be holding a one-day RV-specific F&I workshop. Jordan Goodlad will be the facilitator for this class which takes place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
For more information and registration, please send an email to saltraining@ia.ca.