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Indiana to Coordinate with Neighbors on ‘Rolling Reopen’ of Economy

Indiana Governor Holcomb

Indiana will coordinate with Ohio and Kentucky in deciding when to lift stay-at-home orders, Gov. Eric Holcomb said yesterday.

Holcomb he will decide when to end the stay-at-home order depending on what is happening throughout the state. He said he is thinking about the decision regionally and expects to have a better idea of the timeline in roughly the next week.

“It’s been shown that the Great Lakes region has done a fairly good job of mitigating our connections and our travel,” he said at his daily news conference Tuesday, “and that’s had a significant positive impact, unlike in some other places. We’ll move forward together as a state, but I’ll not surprise my neighboring states by any actions we take in the future as well.”

On Wednesday, he said of easing restrictions that “it will be a rolling re-open. It won’t be all at once. It won’t be flipping a light switch. We want to make sure employees have a very high level of confidence in the workplace.”

He also emphasized re-opening will be on a region-by-region basis, not statewide as a whole.

Click here to read more on Holcomb’s view on when and how to reopen the economy in the South Bend Tribune.

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