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JR Products Will Retain All Employees During Pandemic Recovery

A picture of a woman in construction gear standing in front of about a dozen big rolls of sheet metal stacked up in several piles

Leading RV parts and accessories maker JR Products announced Tuesday that it will retain its entire staff during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The company made the commitment to its staff in an effort to ease the minds of employees who may be struggling with the effects of the crisis. This “unprecedented and uncertain time has been difficult on many individuals, families and businesses,” the company said in its announcement.

“The health and safety of our employees is our first and foremost priority,” said Brian Roba, President of JR Products. “Working within the confines of safety restrictions can be a challenge, but a challenge we deem necessary to support our customers.”

According to Tuesday’s announcement, JR Products is committed to retaining 100% of its staff while still taking all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. When the widespread outbreak started to intensify in the United States earlier this year, many companies like JR Products implemented new processes to ensure the well-being and safety of their employees.

JR Products now requires increased sanitation and cleaning of work stations and common areas at its facilities, along with required hourly hand washing, staggered shifts to avoid congregating at entry and exit points and a restriction on visitors in the building. The company will make sure to leave 6 feet between each work station, require face covering for employees and will allow staff to work from home.

Additionally, all packaging and productions employees have the option to build from home.

“We have remained committed to providing our products to those who require them,” Roba said. “We will continue to creatively find solutions to help our supply chain through this crisis.”

The company said a large portion of JR Products’ customers rely on RVs and mobile homes as their everyday residences. JR Products hopes to continue to provide those individuals the essential products they need to keep them “warm and dry with food on the table,” while also continuing to employ its entire team during these challenging times.

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