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Motivational Speaker Joins Leadership Conference

A picture of Matt Dunsmoor.

RVIA revealed the 2024 Leadership Conference workshop leaders and keynote speakers. The conference is March 5-7, 2024, in Bonita Springs, Florida.

Matt Dunsmoor is the founder of Octopy, a business solutions company. Dunsmoor is also the chief vision officer and igniter at the Optimism Company from Simon Sinek. Dunsmoor will present a workshop guiding teams and leaders to clarify their “why.”

Dunsmoor attended Sinek’s WHY Discovery Workshop in 2015. Dunsmoor began leading workshops with Sinek’s concepts on igniting passion by focusing on the ‘why’ that motivates.

Humor That Works CEO Drew Tarvin will be a keynote speaker at the conference. Humor That Works teaches how to use humor to advance business results. The company works with organizations such as the United Nations, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and IBM, a technology company.

Mike Veeck, announced earlier by RVIA, will be another keynote speaker at the conference.

To access conference registration, click here.

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