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NERVDA Member Featured on Boston News Station

New England RV Dealers Association NERVDA logo

Fuller RV Rentals and Sales, a member of the New England RV Dealers Association (NERVDA), talked about the increased popularity of RV rentals on Boston’s Channel 5, an ABC affiliate.

Owned by Sheri and Bobby Fuller, Fuller RV reported 2020 was the best year in the company’s 36-year history.

Sheri said she partially attributes the company’s rental success to their well-maintained, cleaned vehicles and customer service. If customers have a problem, Sheri said they just need to call.

Sheri said they are dedicated to customers. She still answers questions from a customer from 2008.

“They always have a lifeline with me,” she said.

The added news exposure is important given the restrictions COVID-19 has posed on annual shows and expos. Sheri said they usually have exhibits at several spring consumer shows in New England.

“It’s unfortunate that most of the RV shows we exhibit in have been canceled,” Sheri said. “But we are so busy right now, we probably would have opted out of a few of those shows if they were held.”

In addition to record-breaking rentals last year, Sheri said the dealership sold 34 new RVs in 2020.

“We have never sold 34 units in a single year,” Sheri said, “but this is not a normal year by any stretch of the imagination.”

Fuller RV also received media attention in July when Sheri took news crews down back roads near Boylston, Massachusetts, in a 25-foot Gulf Stream RV.

NERVDA stated that being part of the association, especially in the pandemic, has helped boost Fuller RV Rentals and Sales’ awareness.

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