The National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) is restructuring plans for its first-ever training expo to move the sessions online.
Earlier this month, President Donald Trump declared a state of national emergency and Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared a state disaster for all counties of Texas. Both officials discouraged non-essential gatherings that could increase the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.
Several companies within the RV industry that were planning on sending trainers to the expo instead imposed travel bans for employees, NRVTA Presidewnt Terry Cooper said.
“Due to the potential for COVID-19 exposure, and because we have access to a variety of technology to do online training, we are now working to conduct the expo through an online format,” Cooper said. “People can attend the sessions virtually from anywhere as long as they have a reliable internet connection.”
Even though people will participate online, they can still earn 13 to 16 continuing education units by participating in virtual classes April 18 and 19.
Click here to register. Tickets are $199 each and give people access to all seminars broadcast live, as well as the ability to view recordings later.
The following speakers are confirmed for the online expo:
• Paul Percival, south central regional manager for PullRite Products
• Nick Urmston, with RV Sure, providing an inspector’s perspective of RV solar systems.
• Geoff Baker, with Inspect RV, presenting the Good, Bad, Ugly (and really Ugly) of RV inspections.
• Jim McKay, from Crushed Armadillo Consulting, will teach Tips and Tricks in RV Refrigeration.
• Erika Rich, with All RV Inspections, offers Building a Business Presence on the Web Utilizing Google and Social Media.
• Bryan Carbonnell, from Tech-Reational Vehicle Services, will lead An Introduction to Multiplex Systems.
• Steve Anderson, president of Workamper News, will introduce the new Workamper Small Biz RVer Program.
• John Gaver, owner of RV Inspector Pro, will lead a session on copywriting.
• Art Horton, from RV Quality Inspections, will present Fluid Analysis Tips and Tricks.
Due to the reduced costs associated with conducting training online, NRVTA will offer a $100 refund to each person who already paid to attend the live event.
NRVTA also cancelled the following previously scheduled sessions:
• Spartan: April 7-9.
• Lippert Components: April 13-14.
• Truma: April 15-16.
• MORryde: April 20.
• Dometic: April 22-23.
• Blue Ox: April 23- 24.
People who were planning to stay at the Texan RV Park during the expo may call the office at 903-677-3326 to cancel their reservation. The office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CDT, Monday through Saturday.
However, the campground remains open for any other RVers displaced by closing parks in nearby states.
“Even though we would much rather spend time with people here at our training facility, we just cannot ignore the seriousness of what is happening with this virus,” Cooper said. “We are working as fast as we can to figure out all the logistics and release more details in hopes people will join us online.”
Cooper also encouraged people to have patience with suppliers, because the firms are dealing with several canceled classes and having to issue refunds or reschedule hundreds of people.
For more information, email info@nrvta.com or call 903-386-0444.