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NTP-Stag Returns as Silver Partner for RV Dealers Convention/Expo


NTP-Stag will once again serve as a silver partner for the 2022 RVDA Convention/Expo.

The convention/expo will take place Nov. 7-11, 2022, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

“NTP-Stag always puts its forward-thinking strategies on display at its innovative booths during the Expo,” Convention/Expo Committee Chair Ryan Horsey said. “With that kind of sponsor on board, dealers can be confident they not only will be seeing the latest products but also learning the latest practices that can boost their business across the board.”

The annual RVDA Convention/Expo brings together dealers, manufacturers, suppliers and RV industry business partners for the dealer education and networking event of the year. The education program will provide segmented content based on dealership size, management structure and revenue in addition to focusing on dealer commonalities, RVDA said.

“Creating powerful education programs is part of what we do every day at NTP-Stag, so the Convention/Expo is always an important part of our relationship with our dealer partners,” NTP-Stag President Bill Rogers said. “Working with RVDA to present the annual event as a sponsor is a vital cog in our commitment to strengthening the industry.”

To register, click here.

Companies interested in partnership, sponsorship, exhibiting, and Vendor Training +Plus opportunities can contact Julie Newhouse at (703) 364-5518 or email [email protected].

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