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OPINION: Leadership Inspired by RV Moving Day

A picture of Kim Lisiak Fraleigh.

You look at your phone. Do I have the route? Check, I do.

Have I looked at the vehicle’s condition? Check, I did.

Have we secured our belongings? Check, they are all set.

The list continues…because today is moving day for your RV. Moving day comes with anticipation, excitement and meticulous planning required to ensure a smooth journey ahead.

Preparing for a company’s seasonal change or a leader’s transition is much like RV Moving Day. The day begins with envisioning the destination, casting a clear vision and developing a plan to execute during the transition. The RV represents the team. Each preparation step mirrors the coordination needed to ensure a confident and committed journey.

As we gear up for a season of “movement” in the RV industry, we will discover how the tactical steps required to move an RV align with 12 essential leadership principles to guide your team through this next season.

Enjoy the ride!

  1. Clearly Define the Destination (Cast a Vision): Just as you would not move without knowing your new address, a leader’s role in preparing for industry movement is to define the team’s destination. To move, you need a campground reservation and an address. A leader needs a clear vision and alignment with organizational goals. Leaders steer with purpose, ensuring everyone understands where the journey leads. Contemplate what success looks like this season for your business and your team. Action No. 1: Create a rallying cry that aligns with organizational objectives and sets the tone; cast a vision for your team for this season.
  2. Plan Your Route (Set the Strategy): Defining your destination sets the course. Now, you can determine the key milestones along your journey. Outlining objectives and measurable goals before the trip leads to more efficient and impactful outcomes. Identifying potential challenges (such as alternative routes), time for rest (such as restroom breaks) and reflection (such as critical points of interest) enables you to allocate resources efficiently and establish timelines. Consider what specific milestones would help provide a clear road map for your team. Action No. 2: Craft clear, objective and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals with your team.
  3. Create a Detailed Moving Plan (Build a Tactical Plan): No successful move occurs without a detailed plan. Similarly, successful leaders develop a comprehensive plan to position their teams for success. This is the prework required to be ready for moving day. By taking a proactive approach, leaders instill confidence and minimize disruptions before and during the transition because their teams feel prepared. Consider the tactical steps your team must take to achieve your objectives and goals leading up to the industry shift pace. Action No. 3: As a team, establish the steps required to achieve your objectives and SMART goals on time and at a realistic pace.
  4. Check Vehicle Condition (Assess Readiness): Just as responsible RV owners assess their vehicle’s condition, leaders evaluate their team’s readiness, key processes that may break under stress and product strategy for the market. Creating a detailed plan involves understanding strengths and opportunities and ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruptions. Ask yourself which people development, process optimization and product assessment will be required to prepare for launch. Action No. 4: Plan to assess the company’s current state through the lens of the 3 Ps (people, process and product) and execute improvements and innovation.
  5. Secure Belongings (Communicate Openly and Transparently): Securing an RV’s belongings is similar to protecting the company’s assets and securing trust within the team. Transparent communication throughout the planning process and moving day builds trust, fostering an environment where everyone is on the same page. Consider ways to enhance communication transparency and alignment among your team members during this period. Action No. 5: Build a communication strategy with regular touch points to assess progress, address concerns and promote a healthy pace.
  6. Empty Tanks (Foster Team Collaboration): Emptying tanks for a smoother journey is akin to fostering team members’ collaboration. Leaders encourage teamwork, reducing unnecessary baggage and promoting a shared sense of responsibility. Planning to deepen relationships results in more natural collaboration. Consider actively fostering cooperation among your team members to ensure a smoother transition during the upcoming changes. Action No. 6: Schedule a team-building event to build awareness of personality and communication preferences under stress.
  7. Disconnect Utilities (Empower Team Members with Training): Just as you disconnect utilities at the current site to move, empowering team members with opportunities to improve their skills creates space and time to prepare for the upcoming season’s needs. Celebrate detachment from outdated methods and invest in your team so they can build the necessary skills needed for the new season. Review the appropriate training to help your team improve its skills. Action No. 7: Schedule the certification, classes or training required to increase your team members’ skills.
  8. Secure Exterior (Recognize and Celebrate Progress): Securing the RV’s exterior reflects securing team member engagement through recognition. Acknowledge and celebrate progress regularly—before, during and after all stops—reinforcing positive behaviors and milestones achieved. Gather a list detailing methods and venues to recognize your team members for their positive behaviors or specific achievements. Action No. 8: Schedule time and venue for planned recognition and set reminders to provide organic recognition along the way.
  9. Stow Away (Adapt and Learn from Challenges): Stowing away items for safe transit is similar to leaders helping their teams adapt and learn from challenges. Consider cultivating a culture that embraces turning those obstacles into opportunities. Action No. 9: Try the “Double ‘O’ Reflection.” Make a list of obstacles and discuss with your team how each is an opportunity for growth.
  10. Double-Check Hitch, Chains and Breaks (Assess Psychological Safety): When towing a trailer, you ensure your RV is properly hitched by double-checking the hitch, confirming the connection and noting whether the safety chains and brake systems are appropriately engaged. The safety check mirrors the psychological safety importance of your team. Do your team members raise their hand when needed, share when they make a mistake and come to you to process the next steps? Determine the psychological safety level you have built with each team member. Action No. 10: Set up regular one-on-one connections with each team member to ensure a healthy foundation.
  11. Verify Lights and Signals (Plan for Change): Before heading on the road, you will confirm that all lights and signals on the RV and towed vehicle are functioning correctly. Similarly, leaders ensure the path is clear and direct the way ahead. Leaders let team members know when plans change, and they must merge into another lane or take the next exit. To ensure your team stays aligned, consider the signals or strategies your team needs to stay in the loop if/when plans pivot. Action No. 11: Create a game plan for pausing and pivoting with a WENTK (who else needs to know) map.
  12. Time for the Ride (Embrace the New and Thrive) You are ready! As a leader, you encourage the team to explore and enjoy the new season. Encouragement strengthens team member engagement, increasing their motivation and feelings of support. Fostering this environment enables the team to embrace and thrive through the changes. Contemplate how you can encourage your team to explore and enjoy the new opportunities these changes present. Action No. 12: Begin each meeting with a win or moment of gratitude.

The journey of moving an RV provides a rich analogy for leadership during movement or transitions. Each step in preparing for a season of movement aligns with fundamental leadership principles, emphasizing the importance of vision, planning, communication, collaboration and adaptability.

The alignment process involves continuous learning and reflection, guiding the team toward ongoing success in the new season. Embrace the new season of movement, for it is through transition that leaders and teams will discover their true strength and resilience.

As you lead your team, remember the parallels of RV Moving Day: plan with purpose, secure trust and celebrate progress. Set the pace, take regular stops to rest, explore new heights and enjoy the ride. Safe travels on your leadership adventure!


Kim Lisiak Fraleigh is the director of leadership development at Lippert. She serves as a leadership coach, trainer and trusted advisor to develop leaders from the front line to the executive.

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