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Kaldon Driedger

Financial Controller at Icon Technologies Limited


Kaldon Driedger started with Icon Technologies Limited in May 2018 after 14 years in public practice accounting. After graduating from Briercrest College in 2004, Driedger was senior accountant at BDO Canada, LLP. In 2011, he became manager at Gislason Targownik Peters Chartered Professional Accountants. At both companies, Driedger handled tax returns and year-end financial statements.

Icon was one of Gislason Targownik Peters’ clients, which is how Driedger was first introduced. As Icon grew, President John Loewen needed a full-time financial person. In 2018, Financial Controller Driedger came on to oversee Icon’s financials, manage cash flow and handle monthly payables and financial statements. In 2011, the year he finished his accounting designation, Driedger won the graduating class’ public practice award.

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