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Stacey Westervelt


Stacey Westervelt has worked as NSA RV Products’ secretary since she and her husband Tod bought the Iola, Kansas, company in 2008.

“Tod had taken over the business when it was floundering big time,” Westervelt said of the company her father-in-law began in 1996 as Night Shift Auto. “He took it upon himself to work his butt off. After, his dad wanted to sell the company.” The couple decided they should be the ones to buy it.

Westervelt said that, during that time, she was her husband’s moral support and checked his writing for typos. In addition to those tasks, today Westervelt is involved with NSA RV’s payroll, human resources and accounting.

Westervelt is most proud of the company’s moral.

“They all tell me I make them smile,” Westervelt said of her co-workers. “They called me ‘sunshine’ at one point.”

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