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PRVCA Leadership Conference Scheduled for End of January

A picture of the Pennsylvania Recreation Vehicle & Camping Association's (PRVCA) logo

The Pennsylvania Recreation Vehicle and Camping Association (PRVCA) 2020 Leadership Conference, will take place on Jan. 29, 2020, at Spooky Nook Sports in Manheim, Pennsylvania. The conference will include a host of guest speakers presenting methods to help business professionals work efficiently and productively.

The PRVCA conference is free for members and costs $250 for non-members to attend. It runs from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. followed by a welcome event at 8:45 a.m.

At 9 a.m., Christina Merriweather of 20/30 Enterprises LLC, will present “ReTOOLing Your Business for Success: How to Leverage Technology to Work Smarter & Accomplish More.”

Gabrielle Bosche The Millennial Solution
Gabrielle Bosche The Millennial Solution

In the 60-minute seminar attendees will learn how to:
• Leverage technology such as Mailchimp, Acuity, and SendHub to schedule appointments and automate communications with customers.
• Communicate effectively with a team and minimize internal email inbox overload by using tools like Google Docs, Skype, and Slack.
• Assign and effectively manage team projects with project management apps like Asana.

Merriweather is a speaker, educator, writer, and personal organization/productivity strategist. She’s passionate about empowering professionals to sort through endless to-do lists, get organized, and maximize time and resources to be impactful. In 2018, she created the Life Designer Collection, a lifestyle collection of personal organization tools and resources.

Greg Merriweather of Maximus Strategic Group will then speak at 10:15 a.m. on “Time Management.”

“I’ve heard the richest people in the world say that they wish they had more time. This
workshop is designed to address the complexity of getting it all done with the same
amount of time as everyone else,” Greg Merriweather says. “You will discover the habits and practices that will enable you to maximize your days.”

The conference keynote address will be given by Gabrielle Bosche of the Millennial Solution. Bocshe speaks regularly on motivating millennials at industry events. Her 12 p.m. keynote speech will be on “Bridging the Generation Gap: Seven Strategies to Engage Millennials.”

Bosche will also speak at the NTP-Stag Distribution show, The Expo, in Grapevine, Texas on Jan. 13.

Bosche is the best-selling author of four books aimed at managing millennials. She has been featured on NPR, Sirius XM, Fox Business and in Time magazine.

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