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Registration Continues for August RV/MH Hall of Fame Dinner in Elkhart

A photograph from the stage's perspective of a man standing at a podium addressing a conference hall full of people. This is the Recreational Vehicle and Motorhome Hall of Fame Induction Dinner

The RV/MH Hall of Fame will host its induction dinner for the Class of 2020 on August 3, 2020 at the Hall of Fame’s Northern Indiana Event Center in Elkhart. The event is less than two months away, and registration is open now.

Darryl Searer, president of the RV/MH Heritage Foundation, reminded RV industry professionals again this week that the event will be held on schedule this August. For anyone unable to attend on that August 3 date who would still like to show their support, the RV/MH Hall of Fame is offering the option to sponsor the dinner.

Searer also urged family and friends as well as members of the RV and Manufactured Housing industries to make their reservations early to ensure priority seating.

“We are adhering to Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s schedule for re-opening the State,” Searer said. “On July 4th, Indiana will be in Stage 5 of the plan, and there will be no restrictions on crowd sizes for social events. The Hall of Fame has taken all of the necessary precautions to insure safe and healthy attendance for this gala event.”

The Induction Dinner celebration begins at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, August 3, with a cash bar cocktail party, followed by the dinner and induction ceremonies at 6:30 p.m.

Click here to RSVP for the induction dinner.

The Class of 2020 includes:

RV Inductees

Mark Beecher, RV Retail Finance, South Dakota

Garth W. Cane, RV Service Technician; Professor, Cobourg, ON, Canada

David Fought, RV manufacturer, Indiana

Jeff Pastore, RV Dealer, Ohio

David Schutz, Supplier, Indiana

Manufactured Housing Inductees

Steven P. Adler, Manufactured Home Community Owner/Operator, Florida

Burt Dickman, Manufactured Home Communities, Indiana (Deceased)

Ron Dunlap, Association Executive, Virginia

George Porter, Manufactured Housing Resources, Delaware

Jerry Ruggirello, Manufactured Home Community Owner/Operator


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