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RV/MH Hall of Fame Adds Vendors to Suppliers Show

A photo taked from above showing people milling around booths at the RV/MH Hall of Fame Supplier Show

The RV/MH Hall of Fame has responded to the demand for increased booth space at its upcoming Second Annual RV Suppliers Showcase. The event, which will take place during the September RV Open House, will take place at the Hall.

“The feedback we received from exhibitors at the inaugural 2019 RV Suppliers Show is evidence that the event was a huge success,” Hall of Fame President Darryl Searer said, “and most of those exhibitors have already reserved their space for this year’s show.”

Booths are 10-by-8 feet and cost of $2,500. The booth fee includes two padded chairs, one 8-foot table, drayage to and from the booth, electricity, Wi-Fi, badges, complimentary drinks, a hospitality area and storage. Searer says the Hall of Fame plans on more promotion and advertising for the 2020 event.

The exact dates of the show are to be determined by the OEMs but will either be the second or third week of September.

“Last year’s show was sold out,” Searer said, “so I encourage interested companies to get their registrations in early.”

For more information and registration for the Second Annual RV Hall of Fame Suppliers Show click here or email

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