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RV/MH Hall of Fame Donations Boost Campaign

A picture of the updated Hall of Fame

The RV/MH Hall of Fame said its $1.7 million capital campaign, which will support the new manufactured housing (MH) museum, is off to a “tremendous” start.

Funding is coming in quickly, the Hall stated, with kick-off donations including $300,000 from Clayton Homes and $100,000 from Cayco Industries, among others.

“The Hall of Fame has written in their bylaws that the organization will never again incur any debt, so we are committed to raising 100 percent of the funds up-front,” Hall of Fame President Darryl Searer said.

“This is a once in a lifetime project and the new addition will be the only manufactured housing museum in the world,” he said. “Now is the time for individuals and companies to step up and become a part of history.”

Donations and pledges already total $1,213,500, or 71 percent of the $1.7 million campaign goal.

Donors will be forever memorialized inside the completed museum on a bronze plaque, the Hall stated. Those who would like to support the campaign can do so here.


Donors to date are listed below:

Anonymous Pledge $500,000

Clayton Homes $300,000

Cavco Industries $100,000

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) $50,000

Jim Scoular $50,000

Michigan State Association (MMHRVAC) $50,000

Modway Homes $45,000

Tennessee MFGHA $25,000

Nevada Housing Alliance $10,000

Cohron Homes $10,000

Barry Cole $10,000

Debbie Brunoforte $5,500

Assurant $5,000

Oliver Technologies $5,000

Joe Stegmayer $5,000

Craftsman Homes $5,000

Leo Poggione $5,000

Mick Ferkey $5,000

Mark Bowersox $5,000

Dana Nelsen $5,000

Wisconsin Housing Alliance $5,000

California MHI $2,000

Pennsylvania Manufactured Housing Association $5,000

Blevins Inc. $1,000

Brooke Coldren $1,000

Grady Hunt $1,000

Mary Gaski EVP PA Mfg Housing Association. $1,000

Tim Dewitt $1,000

Stylecrest $1,000 & gift-in-kind (Provision of accessories needed for homes on display)

Nortek Global HVAC gift-in-kind (Provision of AC and Heat requirements)

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