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RV NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Northern Wholesale Supply Changes Show Format

A picture of the Northern Wholesale logo

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s renewed shutdown orders issued last week put limits on gathering sizes when food and beverage is being served.

Those limitations, a 50-person maximum starting Nov. 27 and a 25-person maximum beginning Dec. 11, led Northern Wholesale Supply to announce it will need to change the format of its 34th annual Super Show.

After carefully considering the safety and well-being of customers, employees and suppliers, Northern Wholesale Supply said it was announcing a change to the show format. Although the event now will be a virtual-based event, the company said it planned to assist dealers along the way – whether through an in-person store visit, a conference call, or a Zoom meeting.

“We looked at various ways of handling the changes with the venue and discussed some options, but in the end it just wasn’t feasible with the new guidelines,” Director of Sales and Marketing Dean Kruchten said.

The company said it wanted to guide dealers through the process and partner with them on this experience.

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