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RV Standards Training Video: Electrical Box Sizing

Photo of RV Industry Association (RVIA) logo

Aside from conducting inspections of members’ RV manufacturing plants, the RVIA’s standards and compliance team of inspectors provide educational resources to manufacturer members.

A series of training videos are available to educate OEM personnel regarding deviations that are being cited most often during inspections. The goal of these videos is to alert staff to common issues and minimize the number of future citations given.

The video demonstrates the procedure for determining the proper size for outlet boxes in the 120/240V electrical system. It stresses the importance of leaving enough space for all the conductors and devices contained within the electrical boxes. The standards and compliance team said it is critical for electrical boxes to be sized correctly.

To watch the four-minute training video on electrical box sizing, click here.

This is one of many educational training videos available on the RVIA YouTube channel. Members are encouraged to use these videos as training resources for production personnel and others involved with code compliance. To visit the association’s YouTube channel, click here.

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