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RV Technical Institute Sets Direction For 2020

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Last week, the RV Technical Institute (RVTI) board of directors met to set the direction and priorities for 2020. Its tops goals are:

• Reaching new audiences through partnership.
• Finalizing the Level 2 curriculum, classes and testing.
• Completing comprehensive market research on RV techs.
• Maintaining free Level 1 classes for RV industry members.

In order to reach and train as many RV technicians as possible, the RVTI has created a “hub and spoke” training model with a headquarters in Elkhart, Indiana. Partnerships with regional trainers across the country will serves as the “spokes.” The Authorized Licensed Partner (ALP) program allows the RVTI’s curriculum to be delivered through a network of regional training partners utilizing the institute’s standardized training. To date, the program has agreements with eight partners including Camping World Technical Institute, the largest RV training program in the country.

RVTI’s board maintains its commitment to provide free Level 1 training at the Elkhart facility to anyone currently in the RV industry. The demand for these classes is increasing and new sessions are being scheduled regularly.

Coinciding with the board meeting, the RVTI’s Level 2 pilot session completed last week. The staff now turns attention to the “Item Level Analysis” to examine the tests and evaluate their performance. The curriculum and tests will be tweaked as necessary. The resulting work will be used to finalize the Level 2 curriculum, testing process and minimum passing scores. Once complete, additional Level 2 classes will be scheduled.

The RVTI also recently launched an RV technician market assessment study. The goal is to evaluate key data from dealership owners and principals, RV service managers and current and prospective RV technicians on technician needs. The institute will use the data to improve its training and recruitment efforts.

For more information on the RV Technical Institute, click here.


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