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RV Transporter Raises $30,000 for Disabled Individuals to Camp

A picture of the March of Dimes Canada logo

Middlebury, Indiana-based RV transporter Team RV Express, along with the company’s Canadian-based customers, raised $30,000 for March of Dimes Canada (MODC).

The fundraiser aims to provide financial support for disabled children and adults to experience camping. Many are camping for the first time, according to a MODC brochure.

Team RV Express matched donations made by customers, with dealer gifts totaling $15,000. The company stated MODC and organizers were “thrilled” with how much was raised despite COVID-19 challenges.

“Even with the challenges we faced with Covid, our family of dealers stepped up to donate more then MODC or Team RV Express expected would be raised given the challenges,” said Devon Mason, Team RV Express’ western territory sales manager. “Everyone stuck with the program they had committed to before the pandemic hit last March, and continued to support the program right to the end of the year.”

Mason and Shawn McGee, Team RV Express’ eastern territorial sales manager, organized the fundraiser.

“MODC’s mandate is to assist those with disabilities in achieving more independent and productive lives,” said Mary Lynne Stewart, the fundraiser’s national director for corporate partnerships. “The support of partners such as Team RV Express makes it possible for us to continue to provide the programs and services so vital to achieving this.”

Like many organizations affected by the pandemic, the shift forced MODC to do things differently, Stewart said.

“This year we ran camp in a new format and went virtual, so that kids and adults with disabilities could still attend camp during COVID-19,” she said. “In a year where so many activities were cancelled, our campers were thrilled to still be able to participate in camp, have fun and make new friends.”

Stewart said the virtual program included pre-camp packages sent to campers, including activities. Participants were connected virtually to play games, do scavenger hunts, sing, roast s’mores and other activities, including gathering around a virtual campfire.

Mason said the 2020 fundraiser was not repeated in 2021 because of COVID-19, but the transport company is making plans to conduct another MODC fundraiser in the future.

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