The RVDA of Canada renewed its endorsement partnership with Purify@Systems for another two-year term. Purify@Systems provides RVDA dealers with professional systems and retail products that eliminate the contaminant build up in confined spaces such as RVs, trailers, towing vehicles and boats.
Dealers can offer PurifyD preventative or remedial services and retail products to their customers in service, parts, sales, rentals and the business office, RVDA of Canada said.
“Having a sanitization program in-house is a great advantage” said Josée Bédard, RVDA of Canada Board Chair. “By offering the PurifyD Systems service, our members will be able to offer families, protections from illness whether it be on new, used or rental inventory.”
Steve Dunn, PurifyD founder and CEO said the PurifyD product helps dealers provide consumers with an effective, safe product that consumers who have been through the pandemic find valuable.