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RVIA Hosts RoadSigns Webinar Today

As the year starts to wind down, RVIA forecasted there would be more than 600,000 RV units shipped in 2021 and 2022. The association is hosting a members-only webinar to review the forecast with ITR Economics from 2-3 p.m. EST today.

The 60-minute webinar will be hosted by Eric Post, ITR Economics senior economist and econ manager. Post will provide insights on how the forecast was developed, what macroeconomic factors are impacting the RV industry for 2022 and what supporting evidence and risks ITR identified in creating the forecast.

RVIA President and CEO Craig Kirby said the RV shipment forecast is something “never before seen.”

“More RVs will be headed to dealer lots in 2022 than ever before,” Kirby said, “allowing even more consumers to experience the freedom and control of traveling the country in their ideal RV.”

The latest forecast for year-end 2021 RV shipments ranges between and 593,600 and 610,800 units with a most likely year-end total of 602,200 units. The numbers reflect a nearly 40% gain over the 430,412 units shipped in 2020. Continued growth is expected through 2022 with shipments ranging between 599,760 and 627,700 units with a most likely total of 613,700 units, an increase of 1.9% over 2021.

RVIA Chair and Airxcel President and CEO Jeff Rutherford said low inventories, consumer understanding and consumer’s desires will continue to drive the double-digit growth rates into mid-2022.

“Thanks to the RV manufacturers and suppliers,” Rutherford said, “more consumers than ever before will be able to take advantage of all of the benefits of owning an RV.”

The Winter RoadSigns report can be viewed by members here. The Winter RoadSigns webinar can be registered for by RVIA members at this link.

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