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RVIA Seeks Aftermarket Conference Sponsorships

A picture of the RV Aftermarket Conference logo.

The RVIA’s 2024 Aftermarket Conference sponsorships are available. The event will host suppliers and distributors Aug. 12-14, at the Caribe Royale Orlando in Orlando, Florida.

Sponsorships provide opportunities to enhance brand recognition.

Sponsorship options include:

  • Welcome Reception, $5,000
    • A 24-inch by 36-inch sign outside the reception
    • Full-page ad in the event program
    • Logo displayed on reception screens
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Priority logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board and in the event email
    • Sponsor Remarks speech (two to three minutes)
  • Lunch Keynote, $5,000
    • A 24-inch by 36-inch sign outside the reception
    • Full-page ad in the event program
    • Logo displayed on reception screens
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Priority logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board and in the event email
    • Sponsor Remarks in keynote introduction (two to three minutes)
  • Golf Tournament, $5,000
    • A 24-inch by 36-inch sign outside the shuttle bus pickup location
    • Signage on golf carts
    • Secondary logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board and in the event email
    • Written mention in the event press release
  • Closing Reception, $2,500
    • A 24-inch by 36-inch sign outside the reception
    • Full-page ad in the event program
    • Logo displayed on reception screens
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Priority logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board and in the event email
  • Morning Coffee/Afternoon Snack, $2,500
    • A 24-inch by 36-inch sign in the service area
    • Secondary logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Secondary placement in event email
  • Event Badges, $2,500
    • Logo printed on attendees’ badges
    • Secondary logo placement on event sponsors’ meter board
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Secondary logo placement in event email
  • Supplier Welcome Gift, $2,500
    • Promotional gift for suppliers at registration check-in
    • Written mention in press release
    • Secondary logo placement on the event sponsor meter board and in the event email
  • Floor Clings, $2,500
    • Branded floor clings on the elevator wait area on one of three meeting room floors
    • Written mention in the event press release
    • Secondary logo placement on the event sponsor meter board and in the event email
  • Conference Program Ads, $1,000-$2,500
    • Back cover-$2,500
    • Inside front cover-$2,000
    • Full page-$1,500
    • Half page-$1,000
  • Golf Hole, $250
    • Lawn sign with logo at sponsored golf hole and option to donate promotional gifts such as golf balls

For more information, click here.




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