The RV industry has already shown its dedication to addressing workforce development with the founding of the RV Technical Institute (RVTI) which has a focus on increasing the number of trained technicians through the creation of a world-class training curriculum and school based in Elkhart, and a partnership model for deployment of the curriculum across the country.
The industry is ready to hire the next generation of RV industry workers, but needs the support of policymakers to ensure adequate talent exists.
Fortunately, Representatives Jim Hagedorn (R-MN-1), Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ-2), Paul Mitchell (R-MI-10) and Ron Estes (R-KS-4) have introduced the bipartisan American Workforce Empowerment Act (H.R. 4469). This legislation that will help businesses fill open positions by increasing access to vocational training and apprenticeship programs like those offered by the RVTI.
By expanding the types of programs eligible for 529 savings plans to include post-secondary trade school programs and registered apprenticeship programs, more Americans will be able to receive training to fill critical jobs in the RV industry.
A strong 21st century workforce is key to the RV industry’s success and the U.S. economy. Congress must act now to empower students and workers and help address this skilled worker shortage.
The RVIA asks its members to visit the RV Action Center here to tell Congress to support the American Workforce Empowerment Act.
For more information, contact Chris Bornemann at cbornemann@rvia.org.