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Nominations Open for 2020 RVIA Board of Directors Election

Photo of RV Industry Association (RVIA) logo

The RV Industry Association Governance Committee has begun the process of recruiting candidates for this years’ RVIA Board of Directors election. This election will take place during the month of September and the results will be announced in early October. Newly elected board members will begin serving their terms on January 1, 2021.

Each year, the Governance Committee is responsible for recruiting and assembling a ballot of RV industry leaders who are interested in running for one of the seven open director positions up for election. This year, these positions include: three RV manufacturer representatives; two at-large representatives; one supplier representative; and one park model RV manufacturer representative.

In addition to candidates specifically recruited by the Governance Committee, nominees can also be submitted directly from the membership. Nominations must be submitted to the RV Industry Association in writing and signed by the official representatives of at least three voting class member companies. The deadline for receiving written nominations for the RVIA Board of Directors election is Friday, July 31, 2020. All properly submitted nominees will be added to the final ballot. Completed written nominations should be sent to Bob Schmitt, RV Industry Association Vice President & General Counsel, at

The RVIA recently moved to cancel its 2020 California RV Show. Click here to read more.

The Board of Directors is the highest level authority in the association’s overall organizational structure and is responsible for setting and overseeing strategy and policies related to critical topics such as standards, marketing, government affairs, industry education, statistical data and association finances. The nomination process is designed to identify strong candidates from member companies that are interested in upholding these responsibilities.

Some quick facts about the RV Industry Association Board of Directors:

There are currently 21 elected director seats, drawn from the following classifications: 9 RV manufacturers; 2 park model RV manufacturers; 5 suppliers and 5 at-large members.

The Board normally meets at least three times a year: in February or March, in June (RVs Move America Week in Washington, DC) and in mid-November. Several Board conference call meetings may also be held, as the need arises.

Candidates must be a management-level employee of a voting class member company in good standing with the RV Industry Association. Persons employed by associate, manufacturer’s representative or honorary member entities are ineligible.

Terms are for three years, with a maximum of three consecutive terms allowed.

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