As fall rolls into the holidays, one of the key priorities for the RV Industry Association’s state affairs team is to prepare for the upcoming state legislative sessions. Whether it is traveling into states and meeting with key stakeholders on pressing industry issues or tracking pre-filed legislation, the state affairs team has been busy setting up for a successful 2020 state legislative session focused on the state legislative priorities of the RV industry.
When it comes to having a successful year, the efforts and preparation of the state team are just part of the equation. There are also critical steps that RV Industry Association members can take to support the legislative efforts in states across the country. Below are three ways to become involved and advocate for the RV industry:
Digital Advocacy
The easiest way to get involved is to take part in our digital advocacy efforts through the RV Action Center (RVACT). Digital advocacy has been found to be one of the most effective tools of any government affairs team. Whether it is using RVACT to send an email to a state legislator or the executive branch official in a state, digital advocacy helps get the message in front of the correct person in a timely manner from almost anywhere in the country. Make sure to keep an eye on your inbox for RV Industry Association action alerts and find out how you can help state efforts and take action to advance the industry.
Make Connections
Members can also identify and make connections between stakeholders in their state. Whether it is an RV dealer whose business could be affected by an issue the association is working on, or putting members in contact with a new state director of outdoor recreation to help advance the outdoor recreation economy, these in-state contacts go a long way to helping industry efforts during a legislative session.
Meet with State Policymakers
Finally, RVIA members can engage in state efforts as in-person meetings with state legislators and other policymakers. While RV manufacturing is concentrated mostly in the state of Indiana, the impact of the industry is felt throughout the United States. RVIA members engage in business in every state. Members can join and lend their expertise with RVIA staff during legislative negotiations or assist the state team by testifying in person at legislative or regulatory hearings. In-person legislator or executive engagement can have a significant impact ensuring the industry is heard at the state level, which goes a long way to promote and protect the industry.
The 2020 state legislative sessions are shaping up to be extremely important to the industry. As we turn to the new year, it is essential that RVIA members complement the government affairs team as they work to advance our members’ priorities.
For more information on how to get involved in industry advocacy at the state level, contact the state advocacy team: Nick Rudowich at nrudowich@rvia.org, Ashley Brinkman at abrinkman@rvia.org or Michael Ochs mochs@rvia.org.