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RVIA: US Trade Representative Announces List 3 Product Exclusions Eligible for Extensions

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On Wednesday, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the consideration of possible extensions for certain exclusions granted for products from China on List 3.

Product exclusions eligible for extension include 659 individual List 3 exclusions granted between August 2019 and March 2020 contained in 11 separate exclusion announcements. Any products receiving extensions would remain excluded from the 25 percent Section 301 duties for an additional 12 months. The RVIA asks readers to inform the association as soon as possible if any of the products on this list are important to them.

USTR has previously considered extensions for seven different rounds of expiring product exclusions on List 1 and List 2, with two pending determination and two still open for comments on the possible product extensions. Unlike products on List 1 and List 2, all List 3 exclusions are set to expire on the same day, August 7, 2020. This is the only opportunity to comment on extension of this set of List 3 product exclusions. A list of the exclusions eligible for extension can be found here.

To date, USTR has granted extensions for 25 out of the 85 eligible product exclusions, with only 51 exclusions receiving comment on extension. No exclusions have been extended by USTR in the absence of comments in support of extension. Therefore, the RVIA recommends members to strongly consider submitting comments in support of the extension of any product exclusions benefiting their suppliers.

Additionally, USTR separately announced the granting of a new round of product exclusions. This round covers two entire 10-digit HTS codes, as well as 144 specially prepared product descriptions. Included in this round are many types of vehicle products such as rear-view mirrors and bumpers, certain bamboo plywood and laminated flooring, hydraulic jacks, power supplies, cable harnesses, lamps, and certain chairs and furniture products. As always, the RVIA encourages members to review the full list to assess which exclusions will benefit suppliers.

These exclusions, along with the April 2020 round of exclusions, are also set to expire on August 7, 2020. Neither the April nor May rounds of exclusions, however, are currently eligible for the 12-month extension. Most expect a separate period for comments on possible extensions of these exclusions.

The comment docket is currently open and the deadline for submission of comments is June 8, 2020. Once again, the RVIA encourages member companies to comment if they use any of the items on that list, or to reach out to the Association to comment on their behalf. For more information, contact Samantha Rocci at

Click here to read the original story from the RVIA.

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