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RVIA Welcomes New Members

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RVIA added 10 new member companies in January.

New manufacturers include four park model manufacturers. Bird In Hand Pet Structures in Willow Street, Pennsylvania; Green River Cabins in Campobello, South Carolina; ÖÖD House in Houston and Timberline Structures LLC in Millersburg, Ohio, joined RVIA to start 2024. In addition, Type B motorhome manufacturer TrueVan, based in Montclair, California, joined the association.

New supplier members include Clean Republic LLC, a lithium battery supplier in Seattle, Washington; and Hatz Americas, an engine supplier in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Two associate companies joined: Aon, a consulting firm based in Dallas and Foresight Management, a consulting firm in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Finally, Red Oak Inventory Finance, a financial firm, joined RVIA. Red Oak is a wholesale/retail lender based in Alpharetta, Georgia.


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