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RVWA Begins Renovation Project

A logo for the RV Women's Alliance

RV manufacturers have been updating and refreshing product lines for their 2021 launches. The RV Women’s Alliance (RVWA) hopes to provide its own forum for RV redesign.

The RVWA is launching a project titled Drab to Fab, in which women across the industry will gather at the RV Technical Institute in Elkhart, Indiana, to renovate and redesign one RV.

The project is expected to take six months, and the fully renovated RV will be raffled off at a VIP reveal event March 3 at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit RVWA.

“The Drab to Fab project is going to unite our membership and industry around a shared goal, inspire women to get out of their comfort zone and literally break down walls, recruit new women into the RV industry, and develop new skills in project volunteers,” RVWA President Susan Carpenter stated. “Our first week of demo was so fun! Everyone who participated came away with not only a sense of accomplishment but also excitement for the transformation that will take place over the next six months.”

The work will be accomplished by female RVWA members during select Wednesdays and Saturdays through February.

“The support from the RV industry so far has been unbelievable,” RVWA Vice President Jordyn Foos stated. “From product sponsors and team sponsors to our Gold Sponsor Airxcel and Sliver Sponsor Patrick Industries, this support is going to allow us to redesign and rebuild this RV into a travel trailer everyone will want.”

Visit for more and click here to see a video from the first demolition weekend.

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