Sobel University is offering a free 30-minute sales training webinar with international RV sales and management trainer, speaker and author Jered Sobel.
“How to Help Your Clients Select the Right RV Over the Phone” is scheduled for Monday, April 6, at 11 a.m. EDT.
After covering how to get into a product selection conversation over the phone at the RV Dealers Convention and Expo in Las Vegas last year, Sobel was inspired to create a webinar on the topic as a service to the industry. This webinar will help salespeople move forward with customers even when they are afraid to come into the dealership.
RV dealers and others in the industry are working to adjust to the current market conditions, Sobel said. Many cannot afford to invest in additional employee development. During this time, Sobel is offering to help the industry by offering free training. Call 253-565-2577 to register for the event.
For more information about Sobel University, click here.