SoftStartRV will participate in the 2021 Airstream International Rally, conducted July 17-24 in Lebanon, Tennessee.
SoftStartRV will co-sponsor Mike Sokol’s event appearance July 19. Sokol, a SoftStartRV ambassador and founder of RVelectricity, will speak on “GoGreenRV.” Attendees will get a demonstration of how the Ford F-150 PowerBoost uses its built-in 7,200- watt generator to run two Airstreams off a single 240-volt outlet.
SoftStartRV’s product is an embedded design air-conditioner soft start controller for single phase soft start for air-conditioner power systems.
“I am also promised an Airstream trailer at the rally which has SoftStartRV controllers installed on two air conditioners. I’ll try to power them up from the F-150 PowerBoost generator,” Sokol said. “I am pretty sure this will work. If I had a second Airstream with two air conditioners and SoftStartRV controllers, I am betting the PowerBoost generator would easily power all four air conditioners at the same time with the SoftStartRV units installed.”
SoftStartRV dealer Dick Martin of RV Solar & Safety will be speaking at the rally. His presentation, at 3 p.m. July 21, is titled “RV Solar = Freedom.”
Martin will answer Airstreamers’ solar power questions, such as how much solar power is needed to run an Airstream. Visitors can join the live Q&A, and purchase the SoftStartRV at booth B5 in the West Hall.
“We are excited to come together at this International Rally that celebrates Airstreamers,” said SoftStartRV co-founder Doug Curtis. “We strive to empower hard working Americans who live, work, and play in their RVs to have a comfortable experience, and helping them eliminate low power RV AC starting problems is just the start.”
For more on SoftStartRV, visit