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Top Thor Executive Steps Down

A picture of Matt Zimmerman, former Thor Industries RV group manager.

Five years after his promotion to RV group manager, Thor Industries veteran Matt Zimmerman stepped down from his role.

The move was confirmed Wednesday morning by Thor Industries. The departure is amicable, but the company will not have an announcement on his departure. Zimmerman was unavailable for comment, but the departure occurred within the past three weeks.

The manufacturer appointed Zimmerman as one of two RV group managers in 2019. His responsibilities included assisting Thor’s operating companies in achieving key strategic initiatives to improve dealer and consumer offerings, increasing employee engagement and enhancing operating margins.

In a 2018 image, Thor Industries Chairman Emeritus Peter Orthwein, then-Keystone RV CEO Matt Zimmerman and then-Keystone RV President Jeff Runels are pictured with a Hideout travel trailer.
In a 2018 image, Thor Industries Chairman Emeritus Peter Orthwein, then-Keystone RV CEO Matt Zimmerman and then-Keystone RV President Jeff Runels are pictured with a Hideout travel trailer.

Zimmerman oversaw Airstream, Crossroads RV, Dutchmen RV, Keystone RV and Thor Motor Coach. In 2022, he took on fellow RV Group Manager Chris Hermon’s brands upon Hermon’s retirement. Zimmerman’s responsibilities expanded to oversee Cruiser RV, DRV, Entegra Coach, Heartland RV, Highland Ridge RV, Jayco, KZ RV and Starcraft RV.

Zimmerman joined as Thor RV Group Manager from Keystone RV, where he was appointed CEO in 2016. He was with Keystone for more than 12 years.

Thor Industries will not replace Zimmerman’s position.

The leadership transition comes more than a month after Zimmerman’s final address to Thor Industries’ full dealer

A picture of Thor RV Group General Manager Matt Zimmerman at Thor's Elkhart Extravaganza breakfast.
Thor RV Group General Manager Matt Zimmerman at Thor’s Elkhart Extravaganza breakfast in September.

body during Elkhart Extravaganza on Sept. 25. During the event, Zimmerman detailed Thor’s partnership with RV Partfinder and developments in its Business Intelligence program.

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