Throughout the year, the Mike Molino RV Learning Center offers dealer webinars on a variety of topics including F&I, human resources, service operations, sales and marketing and more. The following webinars are taking place in December.
December Webinars
12/10 – OSHA Reporting and You
12/11 – Sales F&I Gotchas
12/11 – How to Survive an OSHA Visit
12/17 – OSHA Reporting and You
The format for these hour-long webinars is approximately 45 minutes of presented material followed by a 15- to 20-minute question and answer session. Through a strategic alliance with KPA, these webinars are presented several times each month. RV dealers’ participation in live sessions helps support the Learning Center’s development of new programs.
To register for any of these webinars, click on the session name above or click here.