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Wave Express Makes Education Donation

A picture of a donation graphic.

Wave Express pledged $100,000 to the Mike Molino RV Learning Center. The pledge will provide the RV Learning Center funding as fixed-operations educational programs demand increases.

Wave Express Executive Vice President Andy Cripe said, “Wave Express is committed to serving dealers with integrity, safe and responsible transportation and tools to create a stronger working relationship. These attributes are consistent with the work of the RV Learning Center, and we are pleased to support these valuable programs for fixed operations employees.” A picture of the Wave Express logo.

RV Learning Center’s parts and service management employee offerings include online training courses, competency profiles and certification.

As part of Wave Express’ pledge, the RV Learning Center will recognize one of its educational programs as the “RV Learning Center RV Service Writer/Advisor Program made possible by Wave Express.”

A picture of the Mike Molino RV Learning Center logoRVDA President Phil Ingrassia said, “I want to thank the entire team at Wave Express for their generous donation to the RV Learning Center. This pledge will allow the RV Learning Center to enhance its education and certification programs for RV dealership employees.”

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