RV electronics supplier Xantrex will host a live video chat with RV solar tech experts this evening on its YouTube and Facebook pages.
Business owners or RVers interested in learning more about solar panel system installation, battery storage or other elements of solar energy can join the free live stream at 5 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. EST on YouTube and Facebook.
“This is meant for someone interested in solar, or someone who is interested but doesn’t know how to install a system, or someone who already has a system and wants to upgrade,” said Mitul Chandrani, director of marketing at Xantrex.
Chandrani said the webinar will cover lots of solar topics, including inverter installation and troubleshooting tips. The livestream is free and will be available on YouTube.
“The goal is really to educate RVers, so that they are well informed about tech installation,” Chandrani said. “That’s RV Geeks’ goal, and it’s great to work with them because they’re so well-known and genuine.”
“RV Geeks” Peter Knize and John Sullivan will lead the talk and answer questions submitted through a chat box. Knize and Sullivan are the RV Geeks and hosts of online show “The RVers.”
“The goal is really to educate RVers, so that they are well informed about tech installation,” Chandrani said. “That’s RV Geeks’ goal, and it’s great to work with them because they’re so well-known and genuine.”
Sullivan said he recently installed a Xantrex Solar system on his RV, and that he is looking forward to the Q+A about that process.
“We’ll be providing some of the details about our experience installing our system, and we’ll be able to answer questions you may have about what you have planned.” Sullivan said.
People can submit questions ahead of time on Xantrex social media pages, and many RVers have already taken that opportunity. So far, commenters have submitted questions about keeping panels clean, differences between charge controllers and solar panel evolution.
Knize said Thursday’s live video chat will hopefully cover a broad range of solar energy topics.
“If you’re thinking about installing solar on your RV, whether an initial installation or an upgrade, we’re excited to announce that we’re hosting a webinar all about solar,” Knize said.
RV Tech Doctor Don Wilson will also join the video chat to answer any highly technical questions that might be beyond the RV Geeks’ expertise. Wilson is an instructor at the RVIA Technical Institute.
The live stream begins at 8 p.m. EST on Facebook and YouTube. Click here to watch live.